Avoid the Stress of IKEA by Buying Extras and Large Purchases Separately

Everyone knows that going to IKEA (or any large furniture store) is a stress test for relationships. In order not to part with a heated debate about carpets, IKEA spokesman Janice Simonsen suggests dividing the trip into two parts: basic purchases and accessories.

Basically, if you’re outfitting your home with a bunch of IKEA stuff, take one trip to pick out big things like sofas, armchairs, beds, or solid walls. Then take a very different day to come back and grab those little accessories. This works for many reasons. It’s pretty obvious that it shares the stress, but it also gives you time to think about the rest of your home’s design (and even better, you might find alternatives to IKEA along the way ). The idea here is pretty obvious, but easy to overlook due to the structure of IKEA. As you walk these endless passages, it’s pretty easy to just take everything but hold back and maybe you’ll get out of them while keeping your relationship intact.

Can you arrange a trip to IKEA? | Wall Street Magazine


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