Make Flakier Cookies With This Dough Stacking Technique

The best cookies are crumbly and flaky. This simple layering method can be combined with any of your cookie recipes to make your cookies as flaky as possible.

Cookie dough is easy to make and can be made with just a couple of ingredients . When the dough is done, use this stacking method from the Sunday at Moosewood cookbook to make it very flaky:

After you have prepared the biscuit dough, collect it in a ball on your work surface. Use a sharp knife (or workbench) to cut the dough in half. Place the sections on top of each other and press gently to blend them together. Repeat three or four times, then roll out the dough to the desired thickness (about ½ inch).

This causes the dough to overlap over and over again, allowing air pockets to form. When you take them out of the oven, additional flaking will be noticeable. You can also use frozen, grated butter to make the cookie fluffy enough.

Sundays at Moosewood Restaurant | Amazon via The Kitchn


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