Start With a Clean Slate After Your Breakup by Redecorating Your Home

When your ex moves away, simply being in the house you once shared can create negative emotions. Breaking up is already hard enough , so make your home a new place by renovating it all.

Sometimes it is better for both sides to find a new place for themselves, but this does not always work out. If you end up staying in your home where you used to live, Apartment Therapy’s Jennifer Hunter recommends making it yours:

This can mean doing a good cleaning, rearranging furniture, adding new art or decor, or even sage smudging. Choose the ritual that most will make you feel that this space has been revived only for you. If you are alone in a new space, it will be easier for you to start from scratch. However, don’t wallow; make a concerted effort to get up and take action, filling your home with the things and people that make you happy.

Don’t let your home – the place where you should feel most comfortable – become the ghost of a past relationship. Help yourself move on and switch whatever you can. While you are doing this, get rid of the things that only make you sad. Even if you never originally lived together, it will help you get rid of the memories that may be floating around and look into the future.

Breakup Guide: 4 Basic Rules to Help You Get Your Home and Sanity Back | Apartment therapy


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