Improve Your Finances by Making a Time Each Week to Learn About Them

Finding answers to money questions quickly is easier than ever. But most of us would benefit from learning a little more about personal finance. To improve your position, devote a certain amount of time to financial literacy each week.

Writer J.E. Miller of 20 Something Finance notes:

We sacrifice a lot for our employers – health, family, friends, community involvement, time, and willpower for one primary goal of making an income to pay for things. We then spend almost all of that money, saving only 5% on average. Many save less, nothing at all, or tend to spend more than they earn and dig themselves a hole of high interest debt that they have to work twice as hard to pay off … 40+ hours a week to make money, and then just more than ZERO personal finance hours per week to get the most out of it.

The proposal is simple – set aside a couple of hours a week to learn about the money. This is where Miller’s perspective on how we invest our time stands out. We know how to make enough money to pay bills, and we definitely know how to spend them, but many of us know little about how it works.

Set aside some time in your schedule to build your personal financial muscles. Read the book . Listen to the podcast . It’s one thing to say that you need to do this, but if you actually plan for your financial literacy in the same way as you did when doing a project or exercise, you may be more inclined to actually do it.

Check out Miller’s full post at the link below.

40+ hours a week to make money and zero on personal finances? MADNESS! | 20 Something Finance


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