Better Dried Herbs Instead of Fresh Ones

When it comes to cooking, fresh herbs will almost always improve the flavor of your dish, but dried herbs are cheaper and more convenient. These are dried herbs that you can get by replacing them with fresh ones, as well as herbs that should only be used fresh.

In this video from America’s Test Kitchen YouTube, Chef Dan Sousa explains why certain herbs shouldn’t be dried at all. Dried herbs tend to taste dusty and stale due to oxidation, which makes their aromas more likely to be lost when heated when cooked. However, some herbs are more satisfying than others. Dried rosemary, oregano, sage, and thyme can be used in your recipes, especially if the cooking time is long and liquid is high. Everything else is best used fresh, so save them when you can, or dry them yourself so they don’t lose too much of their flavor.

Science: Replacing Dried Herbs with Fresh | Youtube


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