Make Sure You Clear Your Window Air Conditioner Before Warm Weather Hits

Spring has officially arrived, and while many of us are still in the throes of winter weather, others are beginning to prepare for warmer weather. If you have a window air conditioner, it means it will take a little time for it to clean up and work properly.

I have a window air conditioner in my office, and when Fall rolls around I usually just cover it up from the outside and forget about it until I need it again. Maybe you do the same, or maybe you live in a colder area and need to take it out of your window and store it for the winter. Either way, taking the time to clean your device will last longer, work more efficiently, and smell better.

YouTube user MrJustDIY shows us how to remove the cover and clean the filter, coils and fins. Of course, this is a bit of work. But this is better than dealing with musty, musty air and constantly turning on the device to keep everything cool.

How to clean a window air conditioner “wiki useful MrJustDIY


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