Subtly Convince Someone That You Are Right by Asking the Right Questions

Driving ideas into someone’s head is a great way to win an argument, and at BBC Future they point out that just asking the right questions is one of the easiest ways to get people to think about your way of thinking without even realizing it. This.

If you want someone to think that you are right, the best way to do it is to make them think they have come to that conclusion on their own. To this end, BBC Future suggests asking them a few questions to lure them over to your side:

For example, “Why do you think this is a good idea?” or “What do you think the benefits will be?” It sounds obvious, but allowing someone to convince themselves will mean that they will be more confident in their decision in the long run – as if it was their idea from the beginning.

The downside is that you can be wary of people who are manipulating you when they ask the same questions. BBC Future covers several other manipulation techniques to look out for (or use, depending on your point of view), including using someone’s field of view, your speed of speech, and subtle touch.

The Hidden Tricks of Powerful Persuasion | Bbc future


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