Increase Your Drawer Space With These Pliers and Wrenches

Tool storage is a constant battle (if you are like me and have learned how to retrieve a tool every time you purchase an instrument). Here’s another clever organizing method that can instantly help you sort out your messy toolbox.

The foam tool cutouts look nice, but they don’t add to the deep toolbox space. The video above shows how to take a $ 8 wire shelf and turn it into an organizer for wrenches and pliers with the right curves.

A brake bending machine can make the job of bending the shelf easier, but a 2×4 pair to hold the shelf in a vise is pretty much fine too. You can also take this concept to the kitchen and use it to store large crockery and cutlery.

Storing Pliers And Wrenches For Your Tool Box | Buschcraftarizona


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