The Most Nutritious Food for Your Money at a Salad Bar

Iceberg lettuce or spinach? Tuna or eggs? Trying to balance food and cost turns the salad bar into an intriguing puzzle. Luckily, the guys at Refinery29 have calculated how much you need to rank your salad bar options so you can eat well without paying a pound.

As for the greenery, the first place is always taken by the angelic cabbage. It’s full of vitamins, and even the $ 8.99 a pound (at Whole Foods) is cheaper than buying cabbage from the veggie aisle. Spinach, which is also rich in nutrients, comes in second.

Of the proteins, fish counts as the best: salmon is a steal if you find one, but its cheaper cousin tuna provides similar nutritional benefits. The listmakers awarded the tiara second place to almonds, and the eggs were placed at the bottom for price reasons: charging for eggs at a salad bar is, in their words, “a bit like a highway robbery.”

Top additives include seeds, olives, and avocados. Read the entire article to see the rest of the list and some rules of thumb for choosing salad dressings.

How to create the perfect salad bar


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