Brush Hard Fruits and Vegetables to Reduce the Risk of Pesticides

Whether you buy organic fruits and vegetables or not, they can all contain pesticides. For harder fruits and vegetables, you can use a scrub under running water.

This video from the Consumer Reports YouTube channel has some tips for making sure your food is clean and ready to eat. More waxy fruits and harder vegetables can sometimes hold pesticides better than other types, so it’s a good idea to brush them with a vegetable brush. Anything that sticks to the product will be erased. Buying organic products can help, but you can never be completely sure about it . If you’re still worried about what’s on your fruits and vegetables, buy them from local farmers, where you can ask how they fight pests and what they use. Regardless, eating fruits and vegetables is good for you, so don’t let pesticides stop you.

5 Cooking Tips To Reduce Pesticide Risk | YouTube via Consumerist


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