Create a Boot Slot With Basic Power Tools

The boot jack (which helps you take your boots off without sitting down) is one of those household items that feels a little overkill, but once you start using it, you never go without it. Boot jacks are also a great first woodworking project that requires little more than a jigsaw and drill.

The video above proves that you don’t need fancy tools or even a real workshop to start creating something. He uses his dining table and a couple of clamps to hold the wood and a jigsaw to make all of his cuts. You can use a drill to punch a few holes and then secure the base with screws and glue. He also shares step-by-step instructions for exploring in more detail.

If you want to get creative,this carpenter uses his drill, joiner, planer, and milling machine to do basically the same thing.

For full instructions with photos for assembling the boot connector, see this DIY guide from Home Construction Improvement.

Apartment Woodworking – Make a shoe | Jay Bates


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