Accept the Word “we” in the Interview to Show That You Are a Team Player

In interviews, you often talk about projects you’ve worked on in the past. When describing these projects, the word “we” can show potential employers that you are a team player.

Fortune CEO Steve Pogorzelski explains that how a candidate describes how they achieved their goals may indicate how that person leads or works. Fortune explains:

In his opinion, candidates who say “I” more than “we” are used to taking full credit and will not be strong team players. “The other day I interviewed a CFO who came from a tech startup,” says Pogorzelski. “He said ‘I’ so many times, and ‘we’ so few times that I ended the conversation about halfway.”

Of course, this is more discretionary advice than a simple rule. Sometimes “I” is inevitable, and it would be strange to constantly say “we” when answering questions. But overall, he speaks well – including others that show that you work well in a team.

Check out the full post for more tips.

The Two Most Important Words in a Job Interview | Luck


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