Restrain Impatience by Showing a Little Gratitude.

If you’re the type who gets annoyed by a slow-walking friend or an alley that seems to take forever, Nautilus psychologist David DeSteno suggests practicing gratitude to get rid of those impatient thoughts with Nautilus.

The idea here is to remind yourself that any delay you think makes you impatient in the end doesn’t really matter:

Counting your blessings – even if they have nothing to do with the upcoming respite – can remind you of the value of being a member of a cooperative human society and the importance of “not being a jerk,” DeSteno says.

This is what I can try. On a recent walk with a slowly walking friend of mine, I found that gratitude is easy to evoke. I fondly remember her charming sense of humor, our fun walks, her support in difficult times. When we languidly walk to a restaurant, I momentarily release my rage on the sidewalk.

It’s not always easy to collect these feelings, of course, but if you ever find yourself getting too annoyed with waiting in line , a little gratitude for the situation might just help.

Why Your Brain Hates Doodles | Nautilus


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