Eight (S) Exercises to Strengthen Your Bedroom

Whether we want to admit it or not, exercise and sex are inextricably linked. We train to look and feel our best (among other things, of course) in the hope that this will lead to more sex. But you can also exercise to improve sex. With that in mind, here are some exercises to help you get the most out of your bedroom time.

To determine the best exercises for sex, we contacted several trusted fitness experts. These are the experts that I have followed over the years because they are factual and non-bullshit. Some of these exercises will benefit certain positions more than others or certain “roles” (such as giving or receiving), but they should all be quite beneficial.

Rocking board

Writer, trainer and fitness entrepreneur John Romaniello notes that this variation of the standard board is clearly shifting into romance. To quote the person himself: “Slow motion through the air or a great core exercise? You decide”.

The muscles involved are important here. The rocking bar challenges your core muscles in terms of movement and stability. Stronger core muscles can lead to better control over your movements, not to mention stronger orgasms:

It should be remembered that physiological behavior during orgasm affects the deeper muscles of the pelvis; muscles that contract during orgasm. For some, independently stimulating these muscles through exercise teaches your body how to activate them more easily. Over time, this serves as a “practice” and can make it easier to reach orgasm.

You will notice that many of these exercises strengthen your core, and for good reason – you use them a lot.

Farmer’s walks

This exercise, suggested by Hannah Penfield, a writer at the Bars and Stripes fitness center, strengthens your core, your traps (the muscle that connects your neck to your shoulders ), and your grip.

According to Hannah’s examination:

A strong shaft is essential for comfort, lightness and strength in all positions. Big traps are sexy as hell and give your partner something to grab onto. Good grip means finger strength (wink, wink). Plus, the folded forearms are hot.

She primarily recommends this exercise for men, but obviously it is something that anyone can do and benefit from.

Rack rods

Rack pull is great. They make you feel superhuman because you can do multiple loads (pun intended) in a regular barbell deadlift.

According to Lee Peel , author and fitness trainer:

A stronger lower back means more stamina and less back pain in bed. Spinal movements are at full strength (or should be) during sex. It’s one thing if you like standing cancer the most, but it’s another thing if it’s the only style you can perform without pain. The barbell deadlift is a good way to start loading the bar, even if you are new to weight lifting or come back a while after your workout. Unless you have a power rack or squat rack, there is nothing wrong with a good traditional deadlift.

Exercise injuries are gross . But because of an injury that keeps you unable to go to the bedroom for a couple of weeks? Let’s talk about a nightmare.

Front squats

Front squats improve hip strength and flexibility, as well as hamstring flexibility, according to fitness trainer Jen Chipperfield . The general combination trains all the necessary components necessary for frequent changes in sexual position or maintaining a particularly good position for a long time. She explains:

Deep squats (top) require local muscular endurance in the quads and glutes, as well as hip mobility. Standing in an inclined position (from behind), etc. Requires good hamstring flexibility and glute strength … you get the idea.

Again, she recommends this primarily to women, but the men taking part will also find it helpful – or just men who need extra leg strength for these standing (or more creative) positions.

Reverse crunches with support on the arm

Fitness expert John Romaniello recommends reverse twist with a support on the hands of all who are in the bottom position. If you watch the video, you can see why. As he put it:

In addition to training your core – which allows you to generate more strength and act more aggressively during sex – arm-supported reverse curls can be effective in making it easier to achieve orgasm.

Deep Back Squat

I’ve spent a lot of time in the fitness world. One of the first times I really understood the intersection of sex and fitness was during a seminar by prolific trainer Bret Contreras , who explained how he saw female orgasms during various exercises he trained. Naturally, I had to contact him. He says:

As with the men’s barbell hip jerk, deep squats will also improve the performance of a woman or man in the bedroom in two main ways. Firstly, it will shape the back, which will increase self-confidence in the nude. And second, it will improve endurance in the deep squat position, which is paramount for seductive frog and reverse frog positions. Mark my words – these maneuvers are sure to spice up the bedroom environment, especially if you have prey that rocks them.

Barbell Hip Row

It doesn’t need much explanation if you watch the video. You are literally pushing the barbell. But let’s pretend you’re super innocent. Experienced fitness trainer Lee Peel explains the benefits:

The importance of pelvic floor and gluteal strength for female sex should not be underestimated. A strong pelvic floor can lead to more intense and prolonged orgasms [Ed. Note: These are muscles that contract during orgasm, so stronger muscles will lead, as Peele notes, to stronger orgasms], not to mention less fatigue during sex. The Barbell Hip Row is a great exercise for building glute and pelvic floor strength. Finally, do not be afraid to do this exercise with a lot of weight, because the extra muscles in the buttocks are unlikely to be avoided.

In all fairness, this could be the king of all exercise. Bret Contreras, who almost single-handedly breathed life into the barbell thigh row as an exercise between sheets, also explains its effectiveness for men:

Barbell Hip Rows will improve a man’s performance in the bedroom in two main ways. Firstly, it will gain mass in the buttocks, which will automatically increase your self-confidence when you waltz naked. Second, it will increase the power of the push, which is largely self-explanatory about the transition from training to sexual activity.

Kegels and common sense

The last person I asked is the prolific fitness professional, writer and great guy Alan Aragon . Alan is a serious guy with no bullshit, so I wasn’t surprised by his towing recommendations.

The first is Kegel. If you haven’t heard of them, they are pretty much the closest thing to direct orgasm enhancement. Kegel directly trains the pelvic floor muscles – the same muscles that contract during orgasm.

Finding the pelvic floor muscles is clearly less sexy, however. As many advise, try to stop urinating in the middle of the jet while in the bathroom. This same contraction is what you aim for when you do the Kegel exercise. Once you understand this, try tightening them for five seconds ( not while urinating) and then rest for five seconds. Repeat this four or five times. Doing this exercise regularly can improve orgasm in both men and women, as well as improve erections and avoid premature ejaculation in men.

And finally, Alan suggested something completely different:

I would say that the best exercise for sex would be to practice getting your partner to relax and get into the “zone.” This can be done by letting him / her speak while you listen . Good listening skills involve eye contact, immobility (not fidgeting or shifting attention), and responsiveness. Allowing them to shift their day to you while you listen carefully will set the stage for your steps towards increasing the intensity of the evening. I know this is strange advice, but learning to sit quietly for extended periods and listen to them (whether she needs to articulate, rant, rave, or ask your opinion) is the most effective “exercise” that comes to my mind.

Obviously, there is no YouTube video for this (and in fact, for some it can be more difficult than any exercise). But in the end, connection in the moment is as important as anything else, so don’t neglect the mental for the physical. The best sex comes when you exercise both.


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