How to Pretend Until You Succeed Without Cheating

When it comes to moving forward, we all have to shoot a massive job or project from time to time. But getting someone to take risks can be tricky, especially in a risk-free environment. Some people try the pretend-until-you-fail approach, but to what extent should you pretend?

This post was originally published on Fast Company .

What is the difference between pretending and misleading or lying that could get you reprimanded, fired, or worse, into a situation that doesn’t completely suit you?

“Some people may take it like you’re not yourself, but you’re changing who you want to be,” says Heath Saddleson , founder of Potomac, Maryland, an Executive Achievement coaching firm. “There is a difference, and there are ways to do it in an ethical manner.”

Know what can be faked

According to Saddleson, there is a difference between acting like you got the job you want, acting professionally and putting on the role, and misleading people about your experience or role. It’s one thing to be flexible in how you present yourself and how you interact with others. It’s quite another, he said, to make people believe that you are not who you are not by lying to them.

Examine your motivation

Consider introspection as you go to this extended concert. Suddleson says there should be more than just rude ambition or a higher salary as your driving force. These motives can lead to poor decisions.

But if you are passionate about what you are doing, or what you have the potential to do at a new gig, or if you have a vision that you want to move up, then you are more likely to pretend for the right reasons .

Create your case

Executive Coach Mallari Titel , Ph.D., president of Healthy Workplaces LLC , a consulting firm in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, says you should take an inventory of the skills you have, the reasons why you are suitable for the position, and consider areas that may required. gain. Convince decision makers to hire you or take the risk.

Then use your inventory of skills and experience, as well as your passion and motivation, to believe in yourself without worrying about being considered fake.

Tell the truth to yourself and others

According to Saddelson and Titel, “whether you’re pretending” or “believing in yourself,” the quickest way to get into trouble is to start spreading the truth. If you are lying, then you are doing wrong, and then you are risking the very work that means so much to you.

Overcome the counterfeit as quickly as possible

Even as you prepare for your next big gig, work on the skill set you need to do it well. Saddleson recommends signing up for classes, finding a mentor, or hiring someone to help you get up to speed quickly. Use the inventory of skills you have taken to find areas to be strengthened .

Reach your goals

“Once you have reached the goal that you set when you started to ‘pretend’, you have to follow through with it,” says Titel. She says that when someone takes a risk for you, maintain open lines of communication and be committed to the best of your ability, because both of your reputations could be at risk.

“You make a commitment, be it personal or professional – you have to stick to it,” Teitel says. “I believe in honesty, so there are no surprises here. Be honest and straightforward and always do your best. If people see that you are working hard to fulfill your commitments, they are more likely to provide you with the support you need. ”

How to Pretend Until You Get It Without Cheating | Fast Company


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