Make a Survival Bracelet to Save You in Any Worst-Case Scenario

You may already have a bug bag or emergency kit , but they won’t do you any good if you don’t take them with you in the event of an emergency. This DIY bracelet has a variety of survival tools on your wrist so you’re ready for almost any adventure.

Instructables user wpage1 offers detailed instructions on how to create a paracord bracelet and weave elements into its center:

Create your own versatile survival bracelet to better prepare for any adventure or worst-case scenario. It is equipped with a gear weight strap to light a fire, fix a tent, clear water, signal for help, make a poncho waterproof, replace laces, catch a fish, cut an arrowhead / fancy bow, set a snare drum trap, tighten a screw or go to a safe place. This is a lightweight Bug Out bag for your wrist. All items can be neatly placed in the central core under the weave pattern, making it invisible and ready for the apocalypse.

Helpful guides include examples and indicative prices of items you can include in your bracelet, sorted by categories such as survival, fire, help and repair, food and water, etc.

While you can buy ready-made bracelets such as these, doing it yourself allows you to customize the toolbox and is also more fun.

Bug Out Survival Bracelet | Instructables


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