Get Out of a Rut by Creating Something

If you are feeling frustrated or depressed, starting something new can be of great help. If you don’t know what to do, just start creating something, whatever.

It’s easy to put yourself down, especially when you have high expectations for yourself, but you are also the only one who can rise again. Rather than dwelling on frustrating thoughts, Zen Habits’ Leo Babauta recommends switching consciousness by creating something. It can be anything: writing, drawing, sewing, coding, building, whatever. The point is, you start to create what you want :

Don’t worry about whether you will be doing this for 10 minutes or an hour. Don’t worry about how good you are at it, or what people will think about it, or whether you will succeed or not. It has nothing to do with the task at hand. Easy to do. Immerse your mind completely in activities, in movement, ideas and emotions, in your body, breath and environment. Be fully attentive, fully immersed in what is happening.

In no time, you will be drawn into what you are working on, and you will receive two great benefits: first, you will forget about why you were so depressed about yourself, and second, you will feel good. what are you doing. It doesn’t hurt to create something with a skill that you’re good at, too. It reminds you that you are quite capable of doing something well and that you only need to stay in this rut ​​for as long as you want.

Getting lost in simple doing | Zen habits


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