Create Creative Circles Instead of One Mentor for More Guidance

You probably know that working with a mentor is important to your career growth . However, finding the perfect mentor and asking him to help you can be challenging. Make your search easier by forming a “creative circle” of your peer network instead of looking for one person to guide you.

Sasha VanHoven, writing in 99u, explains how it works in today’s changing networked world:

It is not from person to person, but from person to people. Networking is not consistently listed as a necessary step in every article or book written about what you need to do to be successful, but not where you find at least one of them stipulates that the connections you make should only be older you, or more experienced or in their field, so that it is useful.

Not only will you find it easier to bond with your peers , you will also discover a wealth of knowledge from industries and positions other than your own. You may still feel like you need one or two mentors in your circle who are older and more experienced, but don’t underestimate what you can learn from those on your own level.

Mentoring As You Know It Is Dead | 99u


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