Why Do You Need a Multimeter When Performing Any Electrical Work

Multimeters are absolutely essential for any kind of electrical work. From installing a ceiling fan to replacing a junction box, using a multimeter can help determine if the wires are hot or not (and more).

Multimeters are designed to measure the three main components of electrical energy: volts, amperes and ohms. The best analogy for explaining these components is water flowing through a pipe. Volts are water pressure (psi), amperes are gallons per minute (volume), and ohms are anything that limits flow.

The multimeter has two wires to measure electrical energy. Touch them to bare wires and they will give you measurements. Its dial or buttons determine what type of energy you are measuring and in what range.

Without knowing these measurements, your home could be in danger of electric fire and you could put yourself at risk.

Multimeters can be analog or digital. The easiest way to tell the difference is to have an arrow on the gauge on the display of the analog device. Digital multimeters are the best choice, and there are excellent options from Milwaukee and Klein .

For more details on how to use your DMM, read the link below.

Indispensable Digital Multimeter | Excellent house building


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