Don’t Use Preparation As an Excuse to Postpone Change.

Whether it’s changing jobs, moving to a new city, or ending a relationship, change can be intimidating. Sometimes we tell ourselves that we are planning changes when in reality we are just postponing them.

In Live In the Gray, career expert Arian Hunter says we often fight change by playing a wait-and-see game:

Most of us avoid change by falling into the trap of waiting. Waiting is passive. It keeps us stagnant, stale, and in a confined space that is very similar to our comfort zones. Our tendency to wait out life is often fueled by fear.

Yes, it’s good to be prepared for big changes. For example, if you quit your job, you want to make time to research, find another job, and possibly save on the transition. But there is a difference between preparing and procrastinating. While preparation has built-in, actionable steps, procrastination is hesitant, hesitant, and indecisive.

Sounds like an obvious difference. But Hunter notes that this can be pretty tricky. You can tell yourself that you are waiting for the right moment or for inspiration. You can “pretend to do something, but you are not really going all-in.” To deal with this, she suggests acknowledging this fear, examining it, and taking the first practical step.

Going back to the job change example, this could mean setting the date for your last day. If you are looking to move to a new city, you can book a flight to check out the apartment. This may be a small first step, but it should take you out of your comfort zone.

Find out more on this topic at the link below.

Getting out of the career expectation trap | Live in gray


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