Remember Why You Lost Weight by Keeping Some of Your “thick Clothes”

After you’ve lost a lot of weight, you probably want to get rid of all those thick clothes. You don’t want to go back to this size. But if you keep a pair of old pants or a dress, you can avoid falling back on old habits.

If you peel off all your thick clothes, you deny that you were ever full. Once you’ve gained your ideal weight, you can revert to old eating habits. Gregg McBride, who has lost 250 pounds and kept it, writes in Psychology Today about his experience. He assumes that thick clothes are the trophies of your accomplishments. Don’t throw them all away:

Instead, I suggest not only accepting your past, but also embracing it. Keep it as part of who you are and wear it like a gold medal ribbon that indicates that you have not only survived, but are also doing well.

Don’t just store these clothes in a box. Put this outfit in your closet along with your current outfit. Every time you see this, you remember how hard you worked to become who you are. This reminder may prevent you from eating excess cake.

How Your New Years Decisions Can Work Against You | Psychology today


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