Tally 2 – Simple and Straightforward Counter for IOS

iOS: This is rare for most of us, but sometimes you need to keep track of something and take stock. Tally 2 is a simple little app that does just that, and it’s free for the basic version.

We mentioned Tally before when it was a paid app , but now it’s free for most users. It is also very easy to use. Tap the screen to count, or swipe down to reverse. You can also change the step step, add visual / audible confirmation, and easily share your scores with others. For an in-app purchase for $ 1.99, you can get unlimited counters and a beautiful dark theme. This is a simple little thing, but it really comes in handy in those rare moments when you need to track and count something.

Tally 2 (Free) | ITunes App Store


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