Remove Crevices in Jeans With a Small Elastic Strip

It’s hard to find a good pair of jeans. One common complaint about fit is a protruding clearance at the waistline. To fix this, sew a small piece of elastic to the back of your jeans.

Jeans sometimes fit around the hips, but then they open up at the waist. The I Am Momma website explains how to fix this with a small piece of elastic and some sewing skills. She uses a piece of rubber about 6 “in diameter and about 1/2” thick:

I started in the middle and stitched to the end with a zigzag stitch. While sewing, I pulled the elastic quite tightly, allowing the denim layer to pass through the machine normally. Then I did the same again. I started in the middle and sewed on to the other edge. It so happened that the elastic was in the center, and I did not sew the loops on the other side. Finally, I sewed one stitch in the middle, also taking care not to sew the belt loops.

As you can see in her photos, the elastic forms a small bun on the back of the jeans, eliminating the gap entirely. Check out her full post for more details.

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