Pay Bills in Advance If You Quit Your Job When Nothing Is Lined Up

There are several reasons for quitting your full-time job with no plans. Maybe you are changing careers . Maybe you will become a couch potato. Either way, to ease the transition of your finances, consider paying your bills in advance.

Many people put down a small pillow before leaving work. This helps to cushion the financial shock of leaving the source of income and can make the process a lot less stressful. To make your move even more financially stable, MoneyNing offers:

If you can pay your rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, and more in advance, then you will have a solid position after you leave. The main thing people need to worry about when quitting smoking is their cash flow. So make sure you have enough amortization to pay your bills late, or keep your cash flow steady by paying your expenses in advance. Your bank account will thank you later.

It looks like a pillow instead of a pillow. It doesn’t hurt to be a little more prepared when you quit your full-time job. For more tips on transitioning financially from full-time employment, see the full post at the link below.

Don’t Leave Your Job Without Taking These 5 Financial Steps | Money


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