Find Out If You Are Ready to Move to a New Location With a Simple Equation

Moving can be very painful , especially if you are not sure if you really want to move. Using a simple formula – or changing it to your liking – can help you logically determine if it’s time to root out your life.

The bottom line is that moving is a lot of work, and you want to make sure that the process itself is worth the new spot you are looking at. Jennifer Hunter of Apartment Therapy came up with a simple basic equation for the logical mind:

New location> Old location + hassle and relocation costs

Sounds simple enough, right? I suggest you use it as a basis for creating your own formula. No two life situations are the same, so start adding your own variables and other additions. For example, Apartment Therapy commentator loquaciouslaura suggested adapting the formula to include the new minimum seat cost along with your current seat cost. Mine would look something like this:

New location + location – distance from friends> Old location + hassle and travel expenses + location – distance from friends

In my formula, it is important to be close to friends. So if I find a new place that is much cooler than my current place, but further from friends than my current place, it will be worth it for me. You can even come up with a scoring system if you like. Sometimes you know exactly when to get out of the trick, but for the logically inclined and indecisive people, it can help. What would your equations look like?

Moving Math: A Simple Equation To Help You Decide When It’s Time to Pack | Apartment therapy


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