How to Stop Being a Grumpy Whiner

We all whine – some of us are more than others. But unless you walk around with a fully full glass all the time, you are likely to whine more often than you think. However, you can curb this behavior, and the more you do, the happier you will be.

Why whining is bad for you

If you’ve ever been around a whiner, you know how painful it is to hear them complain all the time. It is difficult to realize that you are doing this yourself. First off, let’s take a look at how The Wall Street Journal defines nagging and its biggest problems:

According to experts – therapists, spouses, colleagues, and others who have to listen to them – whining is a chronic complaint, a pattern of negative communication. This lowers the mood of everyone within earshot. He can keep whiners at work and get them stuck in a problem instead of looking for a solution. This can be detrimental to the relationship.

We tend to whine or complain for no reason, and that’s the problem. If you are just being defensive and not looking for a way to achieve a positive outcome, this is useless whining. It’s not good for you. The Wall Street Journal continues:

Ms Hanks says it is important for the listener to understand that nagging masks deeper and more vulnerable emotions. For example, a person may complain about their boss, but in reality they are afraid that their career has stalled. “Whining is just a helpless complaint,” she says. Understand this, and you can get to the root of what is wrong.

This feeling of powerlessness makes you thinner than you think. The trick to solving this problem lies in the fact, to realize that you are whining, and then do everything possible to stop it.

Write Manifesto Without Whining

Unfortunately, while many of us are whiners, we usually don’t realize it. We all do simple little things like whining about traffic jams, complaints about restaurant service, or just the general “harmf” of life in general.

So, I decided to give myself the Don’t Whine Manifesto, and I recommend that you try it too. Basically, you just need to recognize the little annoyances that you allow yourself to cause, write them down, and then carefully consider them. They are quite funny when you look at them as a whole, and it is easy to distinguish between legitimate complaints and absurd ones. Here’s a rough list:

  1. I will not whine about traffic jams
  2. I won’t whine about restaurant service until I leave the table.
  3. I won’t whine about the weather, never
  4. I won’t whine about anything on social media
  5. I won’t whine about the past
  6. I won’t whine about how much time I have for something.
  7. I won’t whine for long, I don’t need to do anything
  8. I won’t whine about the choice of movies on Netflix
  9. I won’t whine that my friends are always late
  10. I won’t whine about how much I slept
  11. I won’t whine about anything that I can easily change
  12. I won’t whine about my clothes
  13. Won’t Complain About Film Casting
  14. I won’t whine about the discomfort of a pair of shoes
  15. I will not whine about the temperature in my apartment.
  16. I won’t whine about the lack of food in the fridge.
  17. I won’t whine about what time it is
  18. I won’t whine about technology without looking into Settings
  19. I won’t whine about my shortcomings without figuring out how to fix them.

You get the point. Spend a couple of days observing yourself and write about anything you complain about. By the end, you’ll feel a little silly, I promise, but that’s good.

Get Friends to Help

It’s easy to say that you take a close look at your life to make some kind of positive change, and then you don’t actually do it. If your manifesto isn’t doing you any good, it might be time to hire friends to help you.

Simply put, you just need to ask your friends to tell you to shut up every time you get nagged about something. It’s a dangerous game, but if you go along with it, you will be better off in the long run. We’ve talked before about dealing with chronic complainants , and this is the main tip you want to give your friends.

Let your friends talk to your face about your annoying whining for a whole week. Tell them to go ahead. Ask them to ask you a simple question: ” How are you going to solve this problem ?” and you will be on your way to freedom from whining.


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