Examine Your Physical Signs of Stress Before It Gets Over You

Stress sucks and is an emotion that quickly takes over if left unaddressed. Study stress response signals by paying attention to your body.

At the Harvard Business Review, they interviewed experts on how to manage their responses to stressful situations. “Before challenging colleagues,” says Maria Gonzalez of Argonauta Strategic Alliance Consulting. keep your physical symptoms under control:

Train yourself to recognize “your physiological signs of stress,” says Gonzalez. Your neck may be tense, your stomach is tightening, or your palms are sweating. These are all the result of what is happening inside your body. “The minute you start to get stressed, your heart rate and heart rate rise and hormones [including cortisol and adrenaline] are released,” she says. “It compromises your immune system and your ability to relax.” Once you can recognize the signs – instead of ignoring them – you can begin addressing the root cause of stress.

Once you recognize these symptoms, you can try meditation or concentrated breathing . You will prevent this stress response from spiraling out of control.

Dealing with stress at the right time ”wiki useful Harvard Business Review

Nadia Pick .


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