Create a Memory Bank for Couples to Get Through Tough Times

There are good times and bad times in any relationship. In bad times, we forget or ignore the good times. Creating a memory jar for a couple preserves these positive memories.

The relationship blog “Your Tango” offers several ideas on how to deal with your partner in the recovery process. Their advice works at any tough time in a relationship.

Take an empty jar and fill it with sheets of paper describing the fun, amazing, or just memorable moments you’ve had together over the years. Now I know that in the early stages of recovery, it can be difficult to even remember the good times – they all seem so spoiled, fake, they are all lies. But they were real, and it’s important to try to remember some of the times when all of this did not consume your brain. Those days seemed a lot less difficult, didn’t they?

The moments you have with your partner are usually clouded by lousy times. When you have an argument, take the memory out of the jar and talk about it together. This will give you the incentive to work on rebuilding your relationship and keep filling this jar with great time together.

Please note, of course, that this advice does not condone a bad relationship. This is for couples working together to solve problems. Great memories don’t excuse bad behavior. They will remind you why you are working together to repair a relationship.

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