Clean up the Clutter of Your Home With Unidentified Found Object (UFO) Bins

Getting rid of the clutter is great, but it sucks if someone needs something that you threw away. Set up crates of Unidentified Found Objects (UFOs) around your home to collect random or unrelated items until you have a moment to organize them or someone comes looking for them.

Small shoe boxes or plastic urns can be used as UFO boxes. Place these boxes around your home so that whenever you find a random item, you can put it in the UFO box in whatever location you think would be most appropriate. For example, if you find a cable, you can put it in a UFO drawer in your home office or study.

Remember, these UFO boxes are not a silver bullet. If you don’t empty and organize it regularly, random contents will simply accumulate and you will need more boxes. Check these boxes regularly with your family, roommates, or other residents of the home.

Organize to Destroy UFOs | Unobstructed


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