Test Software With Snapshots of Virtual Machines to Keep Your PC Clean

If you want to try out the software without installing adware or anything dangerous, use a virtual machine. Virtual machines are especially useful because of their ability to “take snapshots”, which capture and quickly restore the state of a virtual machine. Here’s how to set it up and use it.

Such software like Virtualbox , our favorite app for virtualization , allows you to quickly configure virtual machines and take pictures of the state of each virtual machine right after its setting. We’ve already shown you how to do this .

If you have a snapshot of your VM, if you ever install something malicious or anything that stops your VM, you can roll it back to its original state in minutes using a snapshot. You can also use virtual machines to run software built for older operating systems , try out Android before purchasing, and test different operating systems .

Stop testing software on your PC: use snapshots of virtual machines instead | How-To Geek


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