Track Your Triggers to Help You Deal With a Nasty Coworker

We’ve all worked with those we don’t like, and sometimes you don’t even understand what you don’t like about them. Fast Company spoke with conflict consultant Kathleen Bartle, who offered to better understand what infuriates you so you can better deal with it.

The idea here is to prepare yourself for a coworker you don’t like and watch out for what irritates you:

See what turns you off and who is pushing your buttons. That way, you can prepare yourself for it to happen again. When your teeth are on edge and your hands start to shake, you can test yourself and soften your reaction. That way, you won’t get angry overnight, which is almost never a good idea in the workplace.

“If you can pause, take in an adrenaline rush and move to the intellectual part of your brain, you can better talk and skip judgment,” says Bartle.

It’s like talking to an annoyingly dumb colleague , but there is a caveat here: you have to test yourself. We all have certain personality traits that we don’t, and the workplace is the melting pot of those traits. You may not like this, but you have to learn how to deal with it.

How to deal with a colleague you hate | Fast Company


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