Why Fast Swimming in Cold Water Is Good for You

Humans have been dipping in ice-cold water for generations for both pleasure and the health benefits that have been touted for generations. It might seem crazy to dive into icy water for any time, but this video from the folks at DNews exhausts some of the benefits – and points directly to the danger.

In many parts of the world, a quick dip in ice water after a hot bath or sauna is essential to good health. Of course, no one says that you should swim in the arctic waters of the Bering Sea just for laughs, but a quick swim in an icy lake after a hot steam bath or from time to time can really improve your circulation, making you feel more energized and refreshed even during the colder winter months. and can relieve pain from rheumatism, fibromyalgia, and respiratory conditions such as asthma.

Of course, just because some people have experienced the benefits doesn’t mean everyone will, and the dangers of diving in icy water cannot be underestimated – especially without supervision and without knowing what you are doing ahead of time. There is a reason polar bear divers are given many instructions and warnings before diving. That said, if this sounds crazy to you, but the benefits sound good, it might be worth giving it a try. Click Play on the video above to learn more, or watch the YouTube video description below for related articles and research on the topic.

Why Winter Swimming Is Good For Your Health | DNews (YouTube)


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