Do Not Try to Cope With the Task Just Because You Can, Think About the Consequences.

Sometimes we get stuck doing things that we really don’t want to do. Impressive skill at solving a problem can often put you in a position where you have to do it because you are good at it, not because you want to. Remember this before taking on a new job or task.

Many of us are tied to computer repairs, working with cars and other tasks just because we can handle them. Your boss may ask you to fill another position “just once,” or a family member may ask you to fix something once. If you’re doing a job too well, they’ll probably ask you to do it again, even if you really don’t want to. Instead, when confronted with things that you know you are good at but don’t want to, be adequate without going overboard. This way, you won’t stand out among those who really want to get a job, you will have time to return to what you really want to do, and you will not feel stuck in activities that you do not need.


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