Choose an Awkward Place to Stay Awake in Meetings

We all know how hard it can be to stay awake in a boring meeting, whether it’s a large company-wide event or just too long a discussion in a small team. Find a spot where you have to support your weight a little – this will keep you on your toes and focus your attention on comfort, rather than fighting to keep your eyes open.

If you are sitting on the edge of your chair, or prefer to sit in a chair that is not entirely level, pick the probably most uncomfortable spot you can find for the meeting. Choose carefully – if the meeting is going to last for several hours, you may not want to feel painful discomfort all the time, but adding a little discomfort to the mixture, especially for a shorter meeting, will keep you awake – and keep you awake. the boss or the person who looks at the members only to see you do your best to keep your eyes open.


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