To Get up Early, Admit It Sucks.
If you find it difficult to wake up early, it is worth accepting one simple fact: getting out of bed the first early morning is like ripping off a band-aid.
You can make your life easier with our many bedtime and morning routine tips. Give yourself plenty of sleep , avoid screens, caffeine and alcohol in the evenings, and set a really effective alarm . But if you’re not in the mood to wake up when he’s gone, the only way to develop this habit is to fuck .
“It is much better to survive the days of an attack on life than to be attacked for days,” says former Navy SEAL Joko Willink. He has a little inspiring talk about the secret of waking up at 4:30. The secret is that you decide when to get up, and if 4:30 is your decision, well, you stick to it.
I know it sucks. Willpower is overrated, so in most cases I would say that if you have to rely on willpower, you’ve probably already set yourself up for failure. But if you are an owl trying to stick to your morning schedule – you can! – you have to understand that at first it will suck and you still need to get up. In a few days, your body will be fine with a new awakening time. But the only way to develop this habit is to get out of bed on time, whether you like it or not.