Follow the Joy of Cooking Twitter for Tips While You Get Away From Society

In addition to health and safety concerns, one of the greatest sources of concern for people now is the provision of food for themselves and their families. While it’s easy to invest in a whole bunch of dried pasta and beans, buying vegetables, storing perishable foods, and planning your meals can seem a little overwhelming. Luckily, the editors of Joy of Cooking share some really helpful food tips through their Twitter account .

So far, they have posted two fiery topics – one about perishable foods and one about meal planning. The topic of meal planning has been particularly helpful to me, as I usually shop several times a week for everything I need for a day or two, instead of planning meals for the entire seven days.

Rather than making one large serving of a single meal, the Joy editors recommend what they call a “holistic approach to cooking,” which is “saving time, effort and money with more varied meals.” Instead of burdening themselves with endless portions of one thing that may seem repetitive, they focus on “cooking more than you need in one meal, using what you already have, and repurposing the foods that you have already prepared. ” This, they explain, is a continuum.

In addition to the discussions they have posted so far, they also accept questions, so feel free to “answer” them if you find yourself stumped, panicked, or uninspired (about food).


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