How Do You Improve Your Home Gym?

Life is hard right now if you miss the gym and we all find creative workarounds to deal with it. Among my friends and the people I follow on Insta, I’ve seen people squatting their pets, their kids, cat litter bags and even stranger things. I’ve seen pull-ups on various equipment and improvised dumbbells. And here I ask you a question, dear readers: how are you doing?

There are some other sports equipment available from scattered vendors; If you were lucky enough to be able to clean up the mess, what did you need? Or what did you have to be content with? Are you doing barbell lifts instead of the standard barbell? Trying to put kilograms and pounds together and get completely confused with the math on the plates? (That’s me.) Or maybe you got hooked on a kettlebell, but now you need to make that weight replace the entire gym.

Speaking of equipment, I’ve heard of people raiding their basements looking for long-unused exercise equipment or even renting from gyms that have had to close. Have you found a cargo cache? Do a crossbar tour in an unexpected place?

Whatever it is, we want to be inspired by your ingenuity. Let us know in the comments how you use what you have – whether it was originally intended for training or not.


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