How Not to Be Lazy in Quarantine

If you find that your daily routine is disrupted by physical distancing, you may be tempted to treat every moment as relaxation. It would be so easy to sleep for 14 hours, eat junk food and let the beard grow back.

But we all know that you can’t live like that. To maintain some normality in our lives, Atomic Habits author James Clear shares his advice on how to keep our good habits in quarantine and get rid of bad ones.

While we may just want to become lazy dumbass at this time, Clear advises that it is our habits that will keep us sane and get us back to our normal lives. He says that starting a new habit (like reading or exercising) is easier if you allocate space for a specific activity. He also suggests leaving reminders around the house to ease the habit (for example, keeping books near your bed, table, or TV). Finally, even if you can only devote five minutes to a new habit each day, this is a great way to get started.


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