What to Do If You Find a Chick

Every spring, trees and bushes are filled with nests, and these nests are filled with chicks. If you find a chick and it is not in the nest, you do not necessarily need your help. Here’s what you need to know.

If the bird is clearly injured

If you can tell that a bird is injured, for example if it has a clearly broken leg or wing, don’t worry about the rest of this list – call your local wildlife rehabilitation specialist. There is a list by state , or you can Google “wildlife rehabilitator” plus your location.

If you are unable to identify the injury or are unsure because the bird may just look awkward and awkward, read on.

If the bird has feathers and it jumps a little

Congratulations, you’ve found a chick! The chick may not fly, but it can jump, walk or fly from branch to branch. If it’s a birdlife (like your typical songbird), its toes are strong enough to cling to a branch or your toe.

Chicks are clumsy adolescent birds. As the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology points out , they leave the nest under the supervision of their parents and may spend several days jumping before figuring out how to make it on their own. The parents look after them, but they can have four or five offspring at once.

These birds don’t need your help; they get along great. (Even if you do manage to find the nest, there is no point in bringing them back. They will pop back out.) If you want to be sure your parents come back, just sit back and watch. You will see them come back.

If the bird is helpless and helpless

Chicks are birds that need to stay in the nest. They have recently hatched, and if they are brand new, their eyes may be closed and they may not have feathers yet.

These birds need to return to the nest. They cannot go far on their own, so if you find one, the nest will be nearby. However, this can be hidden. Return bird to nest carefully.

There is a myth that birds will reject any offspring that smell like humans. That’s not true, Cornell says , so don’t be afraid to return the chick to its parents.

If you cannot find a nest, you can build one. Follow the instructions here to build a nest . The same should be done if a whole nest fell from the tree.


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