Store Cheese in a Baby Lunch Box

You probably already know that it is a bad thing to wrap nice little pieces of cheese in sticky plastic wrap . Cheese is a treat that requires – and deserves – a little respect, a little care, your own small (damp but not damp) room. Cheese needs space , damn it. And the kids segmented lunch box does just that.

But before we talk about the container, let’s go back to the previous blog I wrote about why we don’t want to wrap cheese in plastic wrap:

You see, cheeses are small living wedges, and these babies need to breathe. Smothering them with plastic wrap not only prevents moisture from leaking out, resulting in raw cheese, but can also give your freshness a plastic flavor . Storing cheese properly takes a little longer than just tossing it into a plastic bag, but the taste is worth it.

You don’t want to choke on your cheese, and you certainly don’t want wet, smelling cheese. Later on in the blog, I recommend wrapping the cheese in parchment paper and then storing it in a plastic container, but being a very lazy person, I’ve come to the conclusion that a piece of parchment paper is not entirely necessary. I have kept my little wedges in a delicious bento-style lunchbox container and it has proven itself great. (Cheese snobs may disagree, but I honestly didn’t miss the parchment at all!)

The cheese has room to breathe, and the container is not tight enough to prevent moisture from escaping. It almost looks like a small cheese cave. You can use a non-segmented plastic container, but I like the walls. They are especially useful if the mixture contains super soft liquid cheese; I love Camembert and Parmesan almost equally, but I don’t want the latter to be oiled first. I haven’t noticed any scent contamination between the cheeses, but if you have a very smelly sample, you can always take the extra step and wrap the smelly guy with a piece of parchment and secure it with masking tape or twine before sticking it into the bento.

The container doesn’t have to be madefor babies , but lunch containers made for kids are always more fun than containers designed for adults, and you just don’t need a durable, airtight, sealed industrial bento made for extreme adults. dinner. In fact, a completely sealed container should be avoided. As mentioned above, cheese must breathe.


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