Don’t Expect Sanitizing Wipes to Be in Stock for a While

In the old days of 2019, disinfectant wipes had a small but specialized market. Hermaphobes and parents bought them regularly; for many of us, they were either accidental or unnecessary. Things have changed now, and napkin companies are struggling to keep up.

Clorox will not be able to meet demand until next year, according to HuffPost . The company usually produces enough wipes to survive the cold and flu season, but they have not had the opportunity to prepare for COVID-19.

To learn more about disinfection, watch the video below:

The company is also lagging behind other pandemic-related shipments, including liquid bleach, but expects them to return to warehouse within the next four to six months. Disinfectant wipes will take longer.

Until then, CDC recommends cleaning hard-touch surfaces with any household cleaner, and if you need extra protection, use any of the EPA’s List N Coronavirus disinfectants . This might mean keeping a spray bottle and a roll of paper towels in your car or in a diaper bag instead of packing Clorox wipes, but it will still do the trick.


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