Add Structure to Your Day With the Perfect Morning Routine

Remember the alarms? Remember getting up? Remember that in order to achieve a certain goal, you had to do several things in one day?

Well, those days are long gone, but if you still feel the need for some form to avoid becoming home, here are some tips on how to create the perfect morning routine.

Let’s first remember that the morning routine is now all about you . You no longer need to look good and go through traffic, all you need to worry about is getting as much sleep as possible and how to make your day at home pleasant and comfortable.

I like to start by programming the coffee maker the night before so I can get even more sleep before waking up, not going anywhere and sniffing a fresh kettle. I am also known to love pouring milk into my coffee rather than stirring it, enjoying different amounts of coffee and cream with each sip. A new surprise every minute!

To learn about my step-by-step instructions for routine work, watch the video above.


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