Why You Need to Aerate Orange Juice

Orange juice is a surprisingly complex drink. So complex that its molecular composition is used in early chemistry lessons to demonstrate how even the simplest things contain complex chemical systems (and to illustrate that all-natural and chemical-free are meaningless marketing terms that should be excluded from our use. vocabulary).

Anyway. Orange juice has a lot, and it can vary a lot from brand to brand and glass to glass. Some OJs are light and sweet, some are tart, and some are bitter and flat. If you’re faced with a glass of low-quality citrus juice, there is one thing you can instantly improve: shake it to hell.

I “discovered” the joy of whipped orange juice when I first tasted the Garibaldi cocktail , a blend of carbonated OJ and Campari (which, by the way, is also very good when everything is shaken up ). The air and excitement brought in by this process turned my humble gas station juice into something fresh and different. “That would probably be good on its own,” I thought, combining OJ with a drink.

Carbonated OJ is very easy to “make”. Just pour it into a cocktail shaker – with ice if you need to chill it too – and shake until it’s nice and fluffy. This will completely change the taste of the drink. Suddenly it becomes lighter (obviously), and all unpleasant aromas are smoothed out, whether it was previously too bitter, too syrupy or too sour.

To do this, you can use any old cocktail shaker (or blender bottle ) or whip a whole bunch at once with a blender. Shake or beat until it is a little lighter – a nice little cloud of OJ should appear on top. Then pour into glasses and enjoy, Campari optional.


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