How to Survive a Shark Attack

Sharks don’t really like the taste of humans, but their poor eyesight and the splashing of beach goers can lead the sharks to confuse you about what they would otherwise like to eat. Here’s what you should do if you see a fin cleaving the water and the theme from Jaws starts playing.

If you don’t want your fins to spin while surfing, it’s best to stick to safer waters. Shark expert Richard Pearce , former chairman of the Shark Trust , says it’s best to avoid swimming near estuaries and fishing boats. Peirce says fishing of any size is a major attraction for sharks, as hooked fish seeps into the water and attracts sharks. Even a small fishing boat will throw dead fish and its parts or chum salmon into the water.

It is also a bad idea to allow yourself to bleed or urinate in water for the same reason. And if possible, avoid swimming in the ocean early in the morning or late at night. Pierce says most shark attacks occur at this time because they reduce visibility and can mistake humans for prey.

On average, there are 19 shark attacks per year in the United States , most of which occur in Florida, with only one reported death approximately every two years (five deaths per year worldwide). So, while shark attacks are not a daily occurrence, they do happen quite often, so people who spend a lot of time in the ocean are always looking for ways to keep them away .

How to keep sharks at bay

Shark Repellent is a liquid extract from decayed shark remains that you spray into water when you think there is a shark nearby. The idea is that nearby sharks smell their dead friends and decide they don’t want to eat you. It works pretty well – even Mythbusters say sobut these sprays are expensive and make the water around you stink of, well, dead shark, so it’s not ideal for a fun day at the beach.

Other methods, such as Shark Shield , use electromagnetic fields to repel sharks. When sharks encounter these fields, electrical receptors cause great discomfort to them, so they leave the area unharmed. Again, these have proven to be somewhat effective , but they cost over $ 800 and are actually only used by deep sea divers or commercial fishermen. In truth, humans do far more harm to sharks than they do to us, as we hunt them to make soup, grease, and skin.

So you ran into a shark

But if you do come across one of the most efficient killing machines on Earth, stay calm. Rushing around will only excite the shark and make it more interesting, Pierce said. He does not want to eat you, but he can create curiosity. As far as the shark knows, you can be a seal or a big fish. Unfortunately for you, sharks can only interact with objects through their razor-filled mouths, so crazy splashes can give you an exploratory bite. Once you’ve regained your composure, here’s what else you can do, according to Pierce :

  • Stay face to face with the shark and maintain eye contact. If you can lean against something, like a coral reef, do it. Sharks are ambush predators and can lose interest if you show that you are aware of their presence.
  • Curl up in a ball if it seems like it is just passing by. It makes you look smaller and less like someone who can compete with a shark for food in the area. However, if he gets close to you, try to look as big as possible.
  • Try to swim smoothly back to the shore.

If a shark attacks, George H. Burgess , director of the Florida Shark Research Program , suggests that you try to put something between you and the shark if you can. A surfboard, boogie-woogie or watercraft will do. When he attacks you, try to hit the shark anywhere. This will scare the shark and give you enough time to get out of the water. If the shark bites you and won’t let go, poke the shark hard in the eyes or gills, as they are very sensitive. As soon as he lets you go, get to the shore as soon as possible and seek medical attention.

This article was originally published in August 2016. In September 2020, it was updated in line with the Lifehacker style guidelines.


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