How to Recognize a Fake N95 Mask

N95 respirator masks are more effective at stopping drops containing coronavirus than disposable surgical or cloth masks. But because they are in such high demand, the market for fake and mislabeled masks is growing rapidly. The Hong Kong authorities recently seized 100,000 counterfeit N95s they said were destined for the overseas market.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has a list of approved respirators from a “trusted source” , so check it if you buy a mask, even if it has the NIOSH logo on it. CDC indicates that they found dozens of brands of masks, which are NIOSH registration, despite the fact that they do not belong to the manufacturer.

The CDC has more tips on how to detect fake masks , including the following red flags to look out for:

  • no text or markings on the mask itself
  • no approval number
  • no NIOSH logo, or NIOSH is spelled incorrectly
  • decorative fabric
  • a statement that it is approved for children (NIOSH has not approved any masks for children)
  • ear hooks (the N95 has two straps that go around the head).

In addition to the specifics of the mask, the CDC recommends that you be skeptical of any online ads . Does the seller have good reviews? Do they specialize in medical devices, or do they just sell what’s hot? Do they offer “unlimited supply”? PPE is still in short supply, even for health workers , so this is a particularly sketchy statement. You make the right choice and wear the mask, so you deserve the level of protection you expect.


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