How to Check If You Are Losing Hair Too Much

Looking at the comb or shower drain cap can be unsettling to see a strand of hair. Not only can this clog your pipes, but it can also make you worry that this is a sign of serious hair loss. But chances are, what you see is nothing to worry about – and if you want to be sure, there are simple ways to check for abnormal hair loss without going to the doctor.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the average person loses 50 to 100 strands of hair per day . Yes, that’s a lot, so don’t panic if you see a few strands in the bathroom.

Hair loss against hair loss

While we’re on this subject, there is a difference between hair loss and hair loss. The AAD notes that hair loss – or temporary loss of slightly more hair than usual – is completely normal and usually occurs after major life stress or body changes, such as losing 20 pounds or more, childbirth, fever, stopping birth control pills, or leaving. for a loved one. Excessive hair loss usually lasts six to nine months, and then hair growth and loss returns to normal levels.

On the other hand, hair loss – is when something happens that actually stops the growth of your hair, says AAD. Examples of this include hereditary hair loss, hair loss due to medications such as chemotherapy, the use of harsh hair care products, or being forced to pull out one’s own hair. In these cases, hair will not grow until the cause is corrected, although this is not possible in all cases (for example, if genetics are to blame). If you still have questions about the difference between hair loss and hair loss, it might be worth talking to your doctor.

However, if you want to test your hair loss rate, here are two ways to do it:

Tensile test

For a simple home test, Dr. James K. Marotta suggests taking about 60 hairs between your fingers and pulling a little while running your fingers through the hair. It’s normal to see five to eight hairs on your arm. However, if you have 15 to 20 hairs, you may lose more hair than usual. Marotta explains :

“In most cases, 90 percent of the hair on your scalp is in the growing phase, while about 10 percent of your hair is in the resting phase, which means that 10 percent will fall out and leave room for new hair to grow over a period. time period. If you are losing more than 15 hairs in a single pull, it probably means that more than 10 percent of the hair on your head is in the resting phase. “

Comb test

Here’s another test to try: Before shampooing, comb your hair from the back of your head to the front of your head for one minute. Do this against a light-colored sheet and then count the number of hairs on it. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association: Dermatology , you should see about 10 hairs. If you see more, you may be experiencing excessive hair loss.

Of course, there are a few caveats to both of these methods, including that these numbers are approximate and may differ for people with different hair types. Plus, as we age, we lose more hair , which, again, is normal. But the general idea is to determine the baseline level of your head so you can determine when baldness has worsened.

This story was originally published in November 2016, and was updated on December 2, 2020, to allow for editing and content alignment with current Lifehacker style guidelines.


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