How to Find What You Flushed Down the Toilet

Life doesn’t always go the way we want it to, and chances are you’ll end up accidentally flushing something down the toilet. Kids get caught up in flushing everything from toys to keys, and sometimes adults just have a bad day. Whether you’re trying to get an item back, like jewelry or a wallet, or just to keep it from clogging a drain, here’s what to do instead of panicking.

Start with a piston

If your object is larger, chances are it didn’t go very far down the drain—you might get lucky and get it back out before it causes a clog. Be sure to close the plunger around the toilet flush and gently push it up and down for a few pumps. Between thrusts, watch carefully for signs of redness on the object so you don’t accidentally push it further down. If you have a friend, you can ask them to wear gloves to catch the foreign object if you see it, so it doesn’t slip back down the drain.

Try a wire hanger or hook.

Straighten a wire hanger and shape the end into a hook, then insert it into the toilet drain and see if you can grab the item with a homemade fishing jig. You can also use the flexible grip tool to gently remove the washed-out object. Do not press too hard on either the hook or the grip to avoid damaging the toilet’s porcelain or the seal between the toilet and the drain pipe.

Use a magnet

If the dropped item is keys or something else made of ferromagnetic material, you can try to retrieve it using a magnet. You can use a magnetic retrieval kit , but if you don’t have one, you can try stringing the magnet onto a string, using gravity to push it down the drain. Whatever you do, make sure your magnet is securely attached: the last thing you want to do is add to your problems by abandoning the magnet after flushed keys.

Remove the water from the toilet and try again.

If you’re still unlucky, turn off the water to the toilet using the plug on the wall directly behind it. Then use the container to empty the toilet and water tank. Once the bowl is empty, you can try pumping the water out of the drain using a wet-dry vacuum cleaner . Using this method, you may be able to retrieve a small item, such as jewelry, from the drain. You can also try using a siphon pump to pump water out of your toilet drain and see if you have any luck. Repeat the first two steps as soon as the water goes away if you were unable to use a siphon or vacuum cleaner.

Try a toilet drill

If you don’t want to pick up a flushed item, but now have a clog caused by an accidentally flushed item, you can try unclogging the drain using a toilet auger . Note that using an augur doesn’t guarantee that you won’t simply move the clog further down the drain, so be sure to do a test before overflowing the toilet by scooping the water out of the toilet before attempting to flush it. Never use a regular, unshielded auger on your toilet to avoid damaging the seal or the toilet itself. The one designed for toilets has a protective sleeve to prevent the metal parts of the snake from contacting your fixture.

Try augur on the lid for cleaning.

If you have a basement, basement, or any access point to the main sewer pipe before the pipe exits the house, you likely have a drain plug. You can find it by following the smaller drain lines to the larger main sewer line. The cleanout cap will be separated from the main sewer line and can be unscrewed. Once you find and open it, you can try using a drain auger inserted into the clearing pipe to clear the clog.

Call a plumber

If none of this works or you have sewer water coming into your home, you should call a plumber. While DIY solutions are always my favorite because they are cheaper and give me a sense of accomplishment, many times plumbing problems require a professional plumber to solve. Wastewater entering your home can cause damage if left for too long and can pose a health hazard, so keep this in mind when dealing with an accidental flush.


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