When to Use Hot Water and Not. Cold Water to Remove Stains From Fabric

When it comes to removing stains from clothing, upholstery, and other fabrics, you might assume that water is water and its temperature doesn’t really matter. But just like cleaning wood floors and furniture , there is a right and wrong water temperature for removing stains.

For example, a recent viral TikTok post demonstrates a method for removing berry stains from clothes using boiling water. While it works in this case, trying to use boiling water to clean other stains will actually cause the stain to set and be much more difficult to remove. So how do you determine the correct water temperature for a specific spot?

How to use water to remove stains

Before we get to water temperature, Karina Toner, operations manager at Spekless Cleaning in Washington, D.C., offers some tips for choosing the right stain removal method:

  • Test first: Always test the temperature of the water and cleaning solution on a small, hidden area of ​​the fabric to ensure it won’t damage or discolor.

  • Blot, don’t rub. Blotting or blotting will help remove the stain without rubbing it into the fabric.

  • Follow care instructions: Always start by checking the fabric care instructions to avoid damaging the material.

Soaking against chafing

When using hot water, Toner recommends blotting the stain and then applying stain remover to it. “Soaking can be effective, but it should be done with the fabric’s resistance to heat in mind,” she says. For particularly stubborn stains, add a little detergent before soaking.

For stains that require cold water, it is usually best to soak the entire stain area. “This helps dilute and remove the stain from the fibers of the fabric,” says Toner.

Applying water to upholstered furniture

If a stain appears on the upholstery, do not soak it. For stains that react to cold water, Toner recommends using a spray bottle to lightly mist the stained area, then blot with a clean cloth. Try not to oversaturate the fabric. For stains that require hot water, blot the stained area with a dampened cloth. “Use a steam cleaner if possible, but be careful not to get the upholstery wet,” she says.

When to Use Hot Water to Remove Fabric Stains

In most cases, it is better to wash soiled items in warm or hot, but not boiling, water. “Use boiling water only on durable fabrics and avoid it on delicate materials such as silk or wool,” says Toner. “It can be effective for removing certain stains, such as berry stains, but should be done with caution. Heat can help break down the stain, but it can also set certain stains.”

The toner also advises using warm or hot water to get rid of the following stains:

  • Dirt and grime: Allow the dirt to dry completely, then brush it off as much as possible before washing the fabric in warm water.

  • Oil and grease: Apply dish soap to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes, then wash the fabric in hot water (not boiling water, but as hot as the fabric can handle).

  • Sweat: Pre-treat the stain with a mixture of baking soda and water, then wash in warm water.

According to Merry Maid , you should also use warm or hot water to remove the following stains:

  • Dye and marker

  • Egg

  • Grass

  • Tomato based products

  • Lipstick

  • Lotion

  • Mustard

  • Shoe polish

  • Vomit

When to Use Cold Water to Remove Fabric Stains

Depending on the stain, cold water may be best, Toner says, including:

  • Blood. Hot water can set protein in the blood, making it difficult to remove. Rinse the fabric under cold running water as soon as possible to remove the stain, then wash as usual.

  • Chocolate: Cold water helps prevent the chocolate from melting further into the fabric. Scrape off any excess chocolate, then rinse the stained area with cold water, followed by a stain remover.

  • Wine: Blot the stain with a cloth soaked in cold water to dilute the wine, then treat with stain remover or a mixture of dish soap and hydrogen peroxide.

  • Paint: Cold water works best to remove water-based paint stains. Before washing, rinse the stained area under cold running water to remove as much paint as possible.

According to Merry Maid , you should also use cold water to remove the following stains:

  • Alcoholic drinks

  • Baby food/formula

  • Candle wax

  • Cheese

  • Coffee and tea

  • Chewing gum (ice is even better)

  • Jelly and jam

  • Milk and dairy products

  • Soft drinks

  • Soy sauce

  • Toothpaste

  • Urine

No matter what you spill on yourself or on the couch, don’t give it time to soak in. “The faster you treat a stain, the better chance you have of removing it completely,” says Toner.


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