You Can Wellington More Than Beef

Beef Wellington is a sumptuous dish that someone like me doesn’t usually order off the menu. If I wanted to eat it, I would have to try cooking it. So I did. And while the beef Wellington is a delicious and impressive centerpiece, it’s honestly a killer on my wallet. This is because the cut through the center is very expensive. When you think about it, what makes a dish great is not just the treatment of the tenderloin, but the meat itself. In this spirit, I would like to invite you to come to Wellington if you would like.

What is Beef Wellington?

Classic Beef Wellington uses an approximately two-pound center cut of beef tenderloin, a cut prized for its mild beefy flavor and supreme tenderness. This cut will cost you anywhere from $60 to over $100 depending on where you buy it and how the meat is processed and processed. This prime cut of meat is seared and fully processed: it’s wrapped in savory mushroom dussels , then topped with a thin layer of prosciutto, and finally sealed in a sheet of buttery puff pastry. It is baked until crispy and browned.

When you cut into it, you’ll be rewarded with multiple concentric layers of rich, umami-filled treats. It’s a superb presentation with each component playing its part in this enjoyable experience. That is, indeed, you can replace the protein with another and get the same (if not more) satisfaction.

Salmon Wellington. Chicken thigh Wellington. Turkey Meatloaf Wellington. Hard-boiled egg Wellington. Each of them will be a bright accent at your dinner party and will cost much less than a traditional one. All you have to do is cook the protein exactly as you would normally cook it, or, depending on the protein and your preference, remove it from the heat a little early because it will continue to bake in the oven later.

How to give any protein when treating Wellington

I decided to make Wellington meatloaf the other day and it was amazing. I often impress myself so I expect praise, but my partner gobbled up his and told me he’d be happy to order it at any steakhouse. All things considered, it could definitely rival the classics. Meatloaf is cheaper to make, the seasoning penetrates the protein, the baked goods are crispier because less juice is released, and it is generally more accessible. I’d say on average more people make meatloaf than regularly toast chateaubriand. Not only does this make it less stressful to cook this dish with a protein you’re comfortable with, but if you mess it up, at least you won’t overcook your $70 roast.

1. Cook the protein

Whatever you use, cook until about 80-90% done. This will add some color, develop flavor, and retain some of the protein’s natural juices while allowing it to become firm enough to handle. Let it cool to room temperature.

2. Prepare duxili

Duxelles is the French name for coarsely chopped mushroom paste. The mushrooms lose a lot of moisture and shrink by about half, so use 10 to 16 ounces of mushrooms. First, use a knife to cut them into pieces about a quarter inch in size, then use a food processor to mince them until they are minced. Fry them in butter with chopped shallots and fresh herbs such as thyme until most of the moisture has disappeared; Stir for about 15 minutes until the mushrooms are almost stuck to the bottom of the pan. When you’re done, there should be no mushroom juice pooling in the pan. Set it aside to cool.

Photo: Ellie Chanthorn Reinmann.

3. Shape the Wellington

When you’re ready to shape the massive roast, unroll the thawed puff pastry onto a lightly floured surface. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough and make it a little larger. Place a piece of plastic wrap over the dough and lightly spoon the prosciutto into a rectangle slightly smaller than the dough. Spread the cooled duxelles over the prosciutto in a thin but intact layer.

Photo: Ellie Chanthorn Reinmann.

Using a pastry brush, spread a thin layer of Dijon mustard all over the egg white. This tastes great but also helps the mushroom pieces stick to the meat. Place the egg white along the long side of the prosciutto and duxelles board. If you are using several small pieces of chicken or eggs, simply line them up. Then use plastic wrap to begin rolling the prosciutto up and down the egg white until it meets the other side. Use plastic wrap to push meat to the side.

Photo: Ellie Chanthorn Reinmann.

4. Bake a Wellington

Egg wash the puff pastry. Place the prosciutto tube on the same side of the puff pastry and roll it over so the puff pastry is touching the other side. Leave it seam side down. Pinch the edges securely. Place the Wellington on a parchment-lined baking sheet and egg wash the outside. If you want to get creative, use the back of a knife to score the puff pastry. Bake at 425°F for about 25-35 minutes or until the dough is lightly browned and puffed up.

Thinking of Wellington as a treat rather than a specific dish opens up the possibility of using it as a delicious way to recycle leftovers. You may have two or three slices of meatloaf left over from the weekend—just place those slices on the duxelles and proceed as usual. Leftover pork roast is an easy substitute, and I wouldn’t sneeze at leftover roasted sweet potato Wellingtons either.


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