How to Choose Between Proton Drive and Google Drive for Cloud Storage

When it comes to cloud storage, there are many options to choose from. One of the most famous and popular is Google Drive , and this is because it is included for free every time you sign up for a Gmail account. But over the past couple of years, new enticing contenders have entered the ring.

One of the most promising is Proton Drive , a privacy-focused cloud storage option that uses full end-to-end encryption while putting complete control over who can access your data directly into your hands. It’s a nice change of pace, but can it really stand up to the titan that is Google’s cloud storage service, and is it a good alternative if you’re trying to leave Google for good ? Here’s how they compare.

Credit: Proton AG

Storage space and prices

One of the most attractive features of Google Drive is the free 15 GB of storage space it gives you just for signing up. This is a good amount of space for backing up photos, emails, and other data, but keep in mind that attachments and other data associated with your email account count toward your storage.

Proton Drive also offers a completely free option, although it caps at 5GB, which is a notable difference from what Google offers. It’s easy to write off Proton for its 10GB shortfall, but the rival has strengths elsewhere.

Both services also offer more “premium” storage options through monthly subscriptions. Google’s cheapest monthly plan, called Google One , costs $1.99 per month and gives you 100GB of data, while the cheapest Proton Drive option costs $4.99 per month for 200GB. This is another pretty big difference between what you pay and what you get, which is why Google is still ahead of the pure economy.

There are, of course, more expensive options. Google offers plans up to 20TB for $99 per month, while Proton offers plans up to 3TB for $29.99 per month. If you want more, you need to study the business plans for each service.

Considering storage capacity and pricing, Google tends to offer a little more bang for your buck. But note that Proton’s 3TB plan is technically the family version of Proton Unlimited , which means you can invite multiple people to share that data, plus you’ll get the rest of Proton’s services.

Sharing and features

Cloud storage is great for storing all your personal documents, photos, videos, etc. But it’s also a great way to share these items with friends and family. Both Proton Drive and Google Drive make it easy to share these items with the people you care about.

Sharing options in Google Drive let you share files with either individual Google accounts or a list of accounts. You can also choose whether people can edit or just view shared content and even share it via a URL.

Proton also offers the same features but with various additions. For example, the service allows users to create “time-based sharing links” that expire after a certain amount of time, allowing you to give people temporary access to files. You can even set up password-protected files, something Google Drive still doesn’t do.

Both Google Drive and Proton Drive offer the ability to check your files to see who uploaded them. This can help you keep track of where your files go and who has access – useful if you’ve shared a public link. Both services also offer apps for all major operating systems, including Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. This means you can easily keep track of your files no matter what system you use.

Overall, both services offer similar features for sharing files with others, and both also support the same file types. Adding time-based sharing links makes Proton Drive a little more attractive to those who want granular sharing control, but both services allow you to block content at any time, limiting access to it for everyone, even if they’ve previously been granted access to it .

Credit: Proton AG


This is the real difference between Google Drive and Proton Drive. Ultimately, it’s hard to beat Google Drive because of how convenient it is. It’s tied to your Google account, you get 15GB free, and most Google One plans are pretty affordable.

The Proton Drive, on the other hand, is a bit more expensive and a bit skimpy on the amount of storage you get. However, Proton Drive takes your privacy much more seriously than Google.

This doesn’t mean Google Drive is unsafe. Google says it uses end-to-end encryption to protect your files while they’re in transit and at rest. However, it stores the keys needed to decrypt these files on its own servers, giving it access to your data if the tech giant ever needs it.

On the other hand, Proton Drive does not retain any access to your data. It is fully encrypted, giving access to data only to you and the people you choose. This provides a higher level of security and means you can rest easy knowing that no one can access your data through illegal means. Proton is also based in Switzerland, which has some of the best safety laws in the world at the time of writing.

After all, Google Drive is great for everyday storage of your documents, photos, and videos. But it doesn’t offer the same level of privacy as the Proton Drive. An additional premium is the price you pay for the peace of mind that comes with using Proton’s services. So, if you’re choosing between the two, it ultimately comes down to what you think is more important – privacy or cost.

For me the answer is pretty clear. Privacy is king these days, and Proton makes it easy to protect my personal information without having to jump through a lot of extra hoops. But for you, the answer may not be so simple, especially since some of Proton’s features are still being rolled out across various apps. In any case, since both services have free options, there is nothing stopping you from using one for some file and the other for the rest.


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